Municipal Library


La Biblioteca Comunale fu istituita nel 1867 con i beni confiscati alla Chiesa in seguito alla politica liberale del neo-costituito Regno d’Italia. La sede individuata sarà quella dei locali dell’ex convento di S. Francesco d’Assisi sito nel quattrocentesco Palazzo Chiaramonte, il patrimonio librario verrà costituito dalle raccolte dei testi dei conventi locali. Tali raccolte, passate al Municipio, erano formate da incunaboli, cinquecentine, edizioni del 1600, del 1700 e alcuni manoscritti. La consistenza libraria registrerà nel corso degli anni un notevole incremento, già nel 1907 si arriverà a 10.000 volumi. Molte donazioni di collezione private andranno ad arricchire negli anni successivi la dotazione libraria, tra queste le librerie personali di NinoSavarese, di Napoleone Colajanni, Pietro Farinato. Oltre ai libri sono stati donati alla Biblioteca spartiti, libretti musicali di maestri come Neglia, Coppola, Chiaramonte. Di pregevole valore artistico sono anche le opere del pittore Renato Guttuso donate dallo scrittore Nino Savarese e dalla famiglia D’Anca. Ad oggi la Biblioteca annovera nel registro degli ingressi 80.000 volumi circa.

further information

Portal dedicated to the library of the Municipality of Enna


P.zza Vittorio Emanuele, 6

mornings from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 13.00 and the two afternoons, Monday and Wednesday from 15.15 to 17.45.

Tel: 0935/40412
Tel: 0935 40413
Tel: 0935 40414
Tel: 0935 40415

Reading room

A large, quiet and bright room with wooden shelves reaching up to the roof, typical of the furnishings of libraries of the past, chairs and large tables are the furnishings that make up the reading room for adults. The lower part of the shelving was intended to house the most recently published book material, within easy reach, on an open shelf and placed with the Dewey decimal subject classification system, which allows users direct access to the books. The upper part is used for the storage of a large part of the Ancient Fund.

Children's section

Two adjacent rooms are used for collecting and reading books for teenagers and children. The placement of the books is divided into three age areas 0/6 – 6/10 – 10/15 in order to offer a homogeneous service for the interests of the various age groups. There are various magazines for teenagers and children, comics, game books, etc. In addition to reading, it is possible to paint, model and practice various other manual activities. The presence of audio-visual material such as TV, projector, Hi-Fi audio-video player offers the possibility of broadening and diversifying the offer to young users. The rooms are decorated with paintings that young people and children have created during pictorial art activities. A shelf is dedicated to pedagogical material for the in-depth study of educators and teachers.

Sicily section

Inside the reading room for adults there is a space for publications relating to the conservation and formation of the memory of the local Sicilian history area. Also in this case the texts are presented on open shelves and adopt the same Dewey subdivision.

Local section

The local section collects everything that represents historical memory, customs, traditions, social and cultural events at the level of the Enna area, whether it be publications, university theses, magazines, documents, studies or other material of local interest and provincial. Within this section there is also a collection of publications, documents, musical scores, works, manuscripts and more by illustrious figures such as Napoleone Colajanni, Francesco Paolo Neglia and Nino Savarese.

Newspaper library

In addition to the possibility of consulting three newspapers, the newspaper library offers the use of thirty periodicals of a general cultural and informative nature as well as of specific interest. In particular, there are architecture, furniture and law publications. Magazines are excluded from lending.

In the same room there is an internet connection that can be used both from the Library's fixed station and via the WiFi zone also from outside. An identification document is required for connection. Minors must be accompanied by a parent.

Ancient Fund

The ancient collection is made up of incunabula, sixteenth-century editions, editions from the 1600s and 1700s and manuscripts of considerable historical interest. Part of the ancient collection has been cataloged by the Superintendence and is also available online. The diplomatic code of the city of Enna from 1446-1818 and the truthful history of the impregnable city of Castrogiovanni by Father Giovanni from 1720-1754 are also available in full in digital format.

Workshops and cultural activities

Various cultural activity projects aimed at personal, cultural and social exploration with the creation of artistic activity workshops aimed at children and adults. An exhibition of the drawings and paintings of Renato Guttuso was set up. A fruitful collaboration has been established with various schools for projects to promote reading and creative workshops. Meetings with authors are held for the presentation of books and various publications. Meeting and reading groups were created on existential, cultural and literary themes.