Attualmente chiuso per lavori di manutenzione



The Museum of the Myth of Enna is unique in its kind.
First entirely multimedia museum in Italy where myth, an element with universal value and identity-forming, aggregating and capable of crossing time, thanks to the use of the most advanced technologies is translated into a contemporary language and accessible to a wide spectrum of the public.

Il progetto, nato per recuperare e valorizzare l’area archeologica della Rocca di Cerere e del Castello di Lombardia attraverso una sinergia unica tra tradizioni e tecnologia, restituisce alla città un luogo dall’alto valore identitario, promuovendo al contempo un modello innovativo di fruizione di beni e contenuti artistici nel rispetto della portata storica ed espressiva degli stessi.

Thanks to the collaboration between historians, archaeologists, architects, teachers, researchers and naturalistic guides, the collaboration with the Sicilian artist Ligama who offers his abstract and figurative gaze reinterpreting signs, symbols and faces of the myth, and the participation as a narrator by Neri Marcorè, it was possible to transform ancient literary and iconographic sources into new and accessible codes. One of the symbols of Enna and ancient Sicily, the heart of spirituality, thanks to the Museum of Myth it thus becomes a point of reference for the cultural life of the city , a space for sharing and integration intended to host meetings and events, and to trigger an eco-systemic development of the entire area starting from its ancestral vocation. In order to guarantee the environmental sustainability of the entire project, promote the culture of respect of nature and spread greater awareness of the role that everyone can take on in this important challenge, a green area has also been created that houses pomegranate and carob trees to compensate for CO2 emissions, while all the installations are produced with recycled materials and totally recyclable.



The myth of Demeter and Kore-Persephone (Ceres and Proserpine for the Romans) has its roots in the classical era and gave ancient communities the possibility of interpreting the cycle of the seasons and entrusting the two female divinities with the indispensable practice of cereal cultivation. Classical sources, Greek and Roman, located the myth in the heart of Sicily, near the ancient city of Enna: near Lake Pergusa, Hades kidnapped Kore, while the girl was busy picking flowers on the eroticized meadows; taken with him to her underworld, Hades made Kore her wife, feeding her pomegranate seeds and condemning her forever to the world of the afterlife; Demeter unleashed her anger at the disappearance of her daughter, causing long famines on earth, until she turned to Zeus who, out of pity for men, allowed Kore-Persephone to spend part of the year with her mother and part of the year in the underworld.

Il mito si è così radicato nell’umbilicus Siciliae da renderne identitari luoghi e spazi carichi di valenze simboliche, stagliati in un paesaggio sorprendentemente unico e nello stesso tempo sterminato, dove l’uomo è capace di elevarsi ed isolarsi al di sopra delle vallate e delle distese di campi, per entrare in un rapporto ed un contatto intimo con il soprannaturale. Proprio ad Enna si ritrovano i principali luoghi dove si consumò il celebre ratto, con tutti gli elementi naturali che riportano gli autori antichi. Qui e in altri centri ellenizzati del centro della Sicilia, sulla scorta del mito si sviluppò un importante culto nei riguardi delle due dee, che portò all’erezione di imponenti santuari. Le incessanti pratiche religiose ne lasciano ancora oggi i segni nell’inestimabile patrimonio archeologico e nella copiosa quantità di reperti, tra i quali spiccano capolavori dell’arte antica. Basti pensare agli acroliti di Demetra e Kore, alla Testa di Ade e alla celebre Dea pseudo-acrolitica da Morgantina o, ancora, alle numerose statuette votive femminili in terracotta reggenti fiaccola e porcellino, che rappresentano i manufatti più usuali rinvenuti in gran parte del territorio ennese, nonché nelle aree di culto dell’antica città di Enna. Attraverso le testimonianze materiali e attraverso la funzione educativa della tradizione orale, ancora predominante nell’ennese, il mito si materializzava e si materializza ancora oggi, restando immutabile attraverso i secoli.

The Narration

Mother Earth and her daughter Kore The Maiden.
Dee antichissime.
Legano gli uomini alle loro radici.
Spiegano il mistero della fertilità.
La nascita dei frutti.
Spiegano la stessa creazione dell’Universo.

It all began right here, in Sicily. Trinacria, an immense island, rests on the limbs of a giant, Tiféo, buried for having rebelled against the gods. Because of him, Etna erupts lapilli and vomits flames from its mouth. When this happens even the god of the Underworld, the king of shadows, gets scared, fearing that the ground will open up and that daylight penetrating underground will bring terror to the eternal shadows.

Non lontano dalle mura di Enna vi è un lago di acqua profonda di nome Pergusa, un lago incantato di bellezza…

The narcissus.
Mirabile fiore raggiante, spettacolo prodigioso.
From its root a hundred flowers bloom and its perfume is such as to fill earth and sky and even the sea with joy.
Persephone approaches it in a daze, reaches out to grasp it but the earth opens up beneath her.

The Multimedia Museum

Immersive video projections, spatial audio, the use of augmented reality and the suggestion of the video story which multiply the levels of museum narration, give life to a virtual environment perceived as concrete, tangible, where the spectator is accompanied in a complete and satisfying experience through the myth of Kore-Persephone, one of the most ancient of Greek civilization which explains the origin of the seasons and the cultivation of wheat, the cereal which for millennia provided the main nourishment to the people of the ancient Mediterranean.

The sound design composed of music, sounds and noises is designed to accompany the visitor within the museum itinerary: the installation of 360 degree sound speakers generates an enveloping and evocative environment in which he himself is an integral subject of the narration of the myth . We recommend using headphones for binaural listening in an 8D setting.

Also welcoming visitors to the Museum of Myth are Oculus VR Quest devices which, in addition to the viewer, also include touch motion controllers and joypads for detecting hand movements. Here the visitor can immerse himself in a mixed reality experience and delve into aspects of the myth of Demeter and Persephone, the archaeological area and the Enna territory